Gofod3 Mid-project briefing event
Wales June 16 2021

Mid Project Briefing, 28 June 2021, 12:30
WCVA invites you to the mid project briefing for the Mobilising UK Voluntary Action research project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), as part of UK Research and Innovation’s rapid response to COVID-19.
In this free virtual event the panel will provide an overview of the progress of the project across the four UK nations. The project team will provide an overview of some of the key themes arising from an analysis of existing research and a review of how policy has influenced voluntary action during the pandemic. This will be followed by a Q&A. The event will provide an opportunity to share examples of good practice of voluntary action to support communities and individuals in times of crisis.
The Panel:
- Dr Sally Rees, Wales Voluntary Sector Lead & Health and Social Care Manager, WCVA (WCVA staff member)
- Professor Irene Hardill, Principal Investigator Professor of Public Policy at Northumbria University
- Dr Laura Crawford, Senior Research Fellow based at Northumbria University
- Rhys Dafydd Jones, Wales Academic Lead, social geographer at Aberystwyth University
- Professor Paul Chaney, (Advisory Panel Member: Wales) Professor of Policy and Politics at Cardiff University School of Social Sciences
- Professor Ewen Speed, Professor of Medical Sociology in the School of Health and Social Care at the University of Essex (Video presentation of policy analysis)
To register, follow the link: Mobilising UK voluntary action during Covid-19: mid project briefing – gofod3
Complete the voluntary action survey
We are also gathering data to help us understand the impacts of Covid on volunteering and to engage the perspectives of organisations on national recovery. If you’re a Local Authority, Health Board, County Voluntary Council or a volunteer-involving organisation in Wales please fill out this survey. Findings from the research will be shared via the project website in July 2021. Thank you for getting involved in this important study. If you have any questions about the research, please contact: laura2.crawford@northumbria.ac.uk
Many thanks and best wishes
Sally, Rhys and James