Gaining Shared Understanding
February 18 2021 Jurgen Grotz

MVAin4 produces its first working paper.
In our first working paper Dr Jurgen Grotz outlines the Theory of Change approach used to develop a shared understanding of ‘voluntary action’ in “Mobilising Voluntary Action in the four UK jurisdictions: Learning from today, prepared for tomorrow (MVAin4)”. This project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), following a rapid response call for projects which contribute to our understanding of, and response to, the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts.
Dr Grotz, Director of the Institute for Volunteering Research at the University of East Anglia is leading the project team and key stakeholders in the Advisory panel in co-producing a common analytical framework. A graphical representation of the logic model (Theory of Change) has been co-produced and we are working collaboratively across the four nations of the United Kingdom.