The Welsh survey is now live
May 7 2021 Laura Crawford

Each national team within our project group have been developing a survey to evaluate the voluntary action responses to the pandemic within their jurisdiction. The Welsh survey is now live, and we are inviting responses from local authorities, infrastructure organisations and volunteer involving organisations. The survey will gather these perspectives to ensure our understandings of the changing landscapes of voluntary action over the course of the crisis are informed by those who have coordinated responses to the pandemic.
We know that voluntary effort has been an integral part of the response to COVID-19, but we are keen to learn more about the different ways that different types of voluntary activity have been affected. The ability to adapt or go digital was vastly uneven, in some cases the COVID restrictions presented insurmountable barriers to mobilising voluntary activity. We aim to establish what support certain types of voluntary activity may require to re-emerge and re-engage in a post COVID world. The survey provides an opportunity to reflect on what has been learnt throughout the pandemic and what changes might be here to stay. Moreover, the survey responses will help build a broad evidence base of the social value of volunteering for communities and individuals throughout Wales.
The findings will be analysed alongside existing research, most notably the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee report on the Impact of COVID-19 on the voluntary sector, to strengthen the recommendations and to identify how organisations are planning to respond to challenges as we move towards recovery.
Click here to complete the survey in Welsh
Click here to complete the survey in English
Huge thanks to members of our project advisory panel who have provided feedback to help shape the survey design.